Monday, September 17, 2007

To Punk or Not To Punk

I was having a conversation with one of my friend's friend when i asked her my usual question I ask any new person I meet, " Do you listen to music?". She said yes and i asked her what is her genre of preference. She said she likes all genres of music which was said out of sheer diplomacy. Then i asked her what genre is she into right now and she said "PUNK". I was impressed and asked her who is her favorite artist in the genre. My stomach twisted a little when she said "AVRIL LAVIGNE"

If you need to piss me off this is one of the easiest ways to do it. Out of all the great artists like the Sex pistols, the Ramones and the Clash she had to mention this commercial wannabe sellout. I am a very broad minded person but there is only so much bullshit i can take. AVRIL LAVIGNE IS NOT PUNK.

Punk is poetry. Punk is a bold form of music which is Clear, to the point and very opinionated. It is a very well crafted message showcasing the perils and pitfalls of society. When i think of punk I remember lines like "Beat the brat with a base ball bat"
or "He wasn't fit to shuffle shit from one place to another" but the certainly not "Hey hey you you i want to be your girl friend". If that is punk then I am a 9 year old girl from Borneo.

So when I heard her refer to Avril Lavigne as punk I told her in the nicest way possible, " I got to go. you are giving me an ulcer" and walked away.

1 comment:

Vivek Padmanabhan said...

NO nine year old girl can drink so much liquor and remain alive... let alone originate from Borneo and know what punk is... Avril is what i would like to believe as 'Kid rock's nympho whore' Much respect to this chick you conversed with... She truly has a distinction of Miss Ulcer... "I would like to thank my childhood drug abuse for this tremendous distinction... *Sniff sniff*... *Snort*..." ;)